a collection of community archives and Cardano history published on the Cardano blockchain.

The Ouroboros Papers

by Various Authors

A collection of research papers outlining the scientific approach taken in the design and implementation of Ouroboros, an environmentally sustainable, verifiably secure proof-of-stake protocol with rigorous security guarantees.

"Doggie Doo Doo (Brown Paw-per)" (2021)

by HOSKY Token

A fully on-chain reading of Brown-Paw-per-v0.69-Revision-420

"Project Catalyst - Fund 7 Results" (2022)

by Project Catalyst

Explorations in making a tokenized record of Project Catalyst Results.

31 Weeks

by TYLR withspaces

Publication documenting the first 31 weeks of Native Assets live on the Cardano ecosystem. Provides a description and overview of many different projects.

CNFT Monthly - Issue 1

by CNFT Monthly

Inaugural publication from CNFT Monthly, highlighting different projects and creators from the Cardano ecosystem.



Commemorative cover of CNFT MAG Issue No. 3, signed by the featured artists, TYLR withspaces, SaL CNFT, Matthew Jura


by inFi Pool

THE AB STAIN is a commemorative MINT documenting the perspectives and opinions of your friends at inFi (INFINITE) Stake Pool. This on-chain document outlines the decision to AB STAIN from the 2023 SPO Vote led by The Cardano Foundation.

Ministry Token #038

by The Cardano Ministry

Whosoever holds this NFT shall be recognized as an official member of the Cardano Ministry of Truth-Seeking. Go forth and spread the word of Cardano! Join Us: Sundays @ 8:00 p.m. PST on Twitter.

Catalyst Circle v4 Voter Registration Token

by DripDropz

NFT used to vote in the on-chain election of V.4 of the Catalyst Circle.

Spicy Dumpling Show: "Cardano Foundation" (March 31, 2022)

by Bullish Dumpling

In this Dumpling Space we talked to the CEO of Cardano Foundation, Frederik Gregaard, and the Head of Partnerships and Executive Officer, Jeremy Firster. We discussed Voltaire, CF's involvement in Project Catalyst, future involvement in Catalyst and decentralization. A lot of great insights were shared.

Dumpling Spaces with Special Guests: The Cardano Foundation

by Bullish Dumpling

The Epoch 308 edition of Dumpling Spaces with Bullish Dumpling welcomed team members from the Cardano Foundation for the first time. Dumpling's space initially started with technical issues as invited guests were unable to join from desktop devices. New-media genres like these, it became clear, offer both challenges and opportunities for the future of Cardano, especially as spaces evolve daily across communities. Nevertheless, the live session continued with a compelling conversation about the Foundation's previous contributions and forthcoming commitments to developing the Cardano ecosystem. Thanks fam Your Did It, so awesomely well. When the space opened the floor to discussion, many interesting questions were asked pertaining to mobile Cardano, blockchain infrastructure, working, with other ecosystems, influencers, builders, and the roadmap ahead among the community and other Cardano contributors. Luckily, this spaces experience did not undergo the well-known rugpull phenomenon [1], as was the case in previous episodes of Dumpling Spaces [2], and other spaces among members of the Cardano community [3]. The absence of a rugpull may prove merely coincidental with the recent departure of J. Dorsey from Twitter. But it might be said that Cardano spaces like Dumpling's are surely much spicier than bottles (& networks) of lightning. All community members and other friends of Cardano were invited to return again next Epoch's end for another yummy AF edition of spaces with Bullish Dumpling.

#YoungAda The Tee 2022

by YoungADA15

This is to commemorate cNFTcon Las Vegas 2022. Brought to you by CardaAutoAI, JCRYPTO and Jarhead. #YoungAda

Cardano Summit 2022 | Summit Lodge


Commemorative NFT for the 2022 Cardano Summit.

Catastrophic Failure (2022)

by Psychowar

Commemorating the Catastrophic Failure of 2022 on Cardano the death of the original Testnet.

Uncle Charlie @ Cardano Stonerz Club (2022)

by Cardano Stonerz Club

Charles Hoskinson joins The Cardano Stonerz Club to hang with @bigjoethedon. $FractalFuzion asks the question on everyone's mind.

Happy Holidayz (2022)

by DripDropz

Thanks for the great first year! Happy Holidayz 2022 - Love, Drip Dropz

Vasil Hardfork (2022)

by Silvio Hiro

From The Composite Art of Silvio Hiro, commemorating the Vasil Hardfork on Cardano, September 22, 2022.

Cardano for the Masses (2022)

by John Greene

This book is mainly for Cardano newcomers. It does not go deep into the weeds of the technical research papers, or explore concepts in great detail. The goal is to give a broad overview of Cardano.