unsig #25882

open-source & free for the world to enjoy

unsigned_algorithms is a generative-art collection on the Cardano blockchain created by Alexander Watanabe. Established in 2021, this collection was the first to explore on-chain artwork and was pioneering in using the blockchain itself as a medium of art. Each piece in the collection of 31,119 NFTs was minted in reference to the python code embedded in the genesis unsig, #00000. Over 50,063,860 combinations were possible from the parameters contained in this code, but only the most “beautiful geometries and color juxtapositions” were curated for the collection, representing “just 0.06% of all the possible conditions” (see further).

What makes unsigned_algorithms furthermore distinct is that holders of these assets are granted the intellectual property rights of the artwork. According to their website:

The rightful owner of a specific unsigned_algorithms NFT is whosoever possess the respective token in a Cardano wallet they control. The owner is granted an unlimited, worldwide, exclusive, license to use, copy, and display the purchased art for commercial use or gain.

Examples of such commercial use would e.g. be the use of the Art to produce and sell merchandise products.

As part of the Library Collections at The Alexandria Project, we are delighted to share this artwork with the public domain. Many owners of unsigned_algorithms have gone on to use their unsigs for derivative artwork, creative exploration, and even commercial successes with their own NFT collections.

Like other open-source materials in our collections, visitors and friends of The Alexandria Project are free to use these assets for their own personal, professional, creative, commercial, or otherwise FUN applications.

If you end up using unsig #25882 in any of the ways listed above, please let us know! We would love to highlight and celebrate everything that you are cooking up on Cardano!

About #25882

  • This unsig NFT has 5 properties.

  • Colors: ['Red', 'Red', 'Green', 'Green', 'Blue']
    Distributions: ['CDF', 'CDF', 'CDF', 'CDF', 'CDF']
    Rotations: [90, 180, 0, 270, 90]
    Multipliers: [1, 1, 1, 1, 4]

creative developments using #25882



Coming soon.

Unsigned Gestalt

by Æther


More Than the Sum of Our Parts


Derivative art made with stunning pink & green unsigned_algorithm #25882




Created in celebration of The Alexandria Project

View on Pool.pm

YouTube Video Intro


JCRYPTO on Youtube


by ADAPlanet


NeonNights Collection


Derivative art based on unsig 25882 from the Alexandria Project.




CNFT art

View on Pool.pm

if you would like to add an unsigned_algorithms to the Library Collections at The Alexandria Project, and contribute to the open-source development of Cardano along with its community, contact us directly.